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Image by Jan Antonin Kolar

Academic Record Support

Privacy and Maintenance of Student Records (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 protects the privacy of a student’s education records by placing limits on who may have access to the records, what information may be shared or disclosed, and how that information may be used.

AIMC complies with FERPA and has strict policies and procedures in place governing student records. In general, the University does not access a student’s records or disclose information to anyone, including a student’s family members, without the student’s written consent. The University maintains all records required by the California Reform Act at its location for a minimum period of five years.

  • Unofficial transcripts can be exported any time through your student information system, Populi. An official transcript can also be requested through Populi and Requires a fee.

    Request Official Transcript

    First diplomas are already considered part of your graduation application. Reprints of your diploma can be requested online and require a fee.

    Request Reprint of Your Diploma

    Need enrollment verification?  Depending on the entity, this may entail differing levels of information. Reach out for support!

    Request Enrollment Verification

    Licensure can be a daunting process with many steps and fees depending on the state in which you're planning to practice. We're here to help!

    Request Support for Licensure

    Whether you were away for a short respite or are looking to fulfill an old dream, we're here to help you get started!

    Return to School

    Sometimes not every situation fits in a box. If you're not sure where to start, but you know you need support, reach out below.

    For All Other Inquiries
  • Unofficial transcripts can be exported any time through your student information system, Populi. An official transcript can also be requested through Populi and Requires a fee.

    Request Official Transcript

    First diplomas are already considered part of your graduation application. Reprints of your diploma can be requested online and require a fee.

    Request Reprint of Your Diploma

    Sometimes not every situation fits in a box. If you're not sure where to start, but you know you need support, reach out below.

    For All Other Inquiries
  • Unofficial transcripts can be exported any time through your student information system, Populi. An official transcript can also be requested through Populi and Requires a fee.

    Request Official Transcript

    First diplomas are already considered part of your graduation application. Reprints of your diploma can be requested online and require a fee.

    Request Reprint of Your Diploma

    Sometimes not every situation fits in a box. If you're not sure where to start, but you know you need support, reach out below.

    For All Other Inquiries
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