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Practitioner Directory Signup Form

If you went to acupuncture school, you are welcome to join our alumni directory. By sharing your information below, you agree to be featured in the practitioner directory featured on To update your information, please email

Where did you go to school? (Select all that apply)
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Would you like to hear about any additional acupuncture alumni opportunities or services?


Let's Grow Together

Just since 2020, our country experienced vast amounts of change. More and more people are looking for alternative solutions and to find a balance between life and health and wellness. The landscape for acupuncture schools also has been a world of change. As some institutions have transitioned, AIMC has stepped into help.

We believe that by fostering a strong community among care providers, offering diverse clinical experiences to students and by building a supportive network for all acupuncture school alumni, we can advance the field of integrative care. In doing so, we strive to enhance access to integrative care models for everyone.

Image by Ian Schneider

Community is for Everyone

Image by Jeremy Bishop
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